Supernatural Comic Con 2010
Jared has no idea how Sam got out of Hell. Eric, Sera, and Ben didn't say a peep either.
Misha on Castiel's new role: He's on clean up duty in Heaven since the "government" collapsed and things are in disarray.
When asked if Bobby will ever get a girlfriend, Beaver says "Hell will probably freeze over before Bobby gets a girlfriend." Eric and Jensen both joked that freezing Hell could be a possibility on the show. Adds Beaver, "I can pretty much assure you that the kissing days between Bobby and Crowley are over. I can assure you because you'd need me to film it."
Edlund, who excels at the weird and twisted, is working on an episode with fairies in it. He promises it will be "rich in absurdity."
On Dean's S6 arc: The show picks up a year later and he's domesticated and living a normal life. It's about how he gets pulled back in to hunting and reconciling who he was, who he's become, who he really is, and who he wants to be.
On the Supernatural Anime: Kripke says so far it's only airing in Japan but the fans should let Warner Brothers know they want to see it. Jared and Jensen will do voices on a few episodes. "Which will be interesting since my Japanese is terrible" quips Jensen.
Om det inte vore för att jag var så trött skulle jag klagat på hur fail season 6 låter, särskilt hela det-är-ett-år-senare-och-Dean-lever-familjeliv-grejen, och squelat över att det blir en anime (men jag har inte bestämt mig för om det är en bra eller dålig sak). Men nu orkar jag inte...^^ //Anna
Stockholm have not had time to kill me yet. It won't have to. I just died on the inside. Seriously. I. Am. Not. Kidding.
Mitt hjärta gör verkligen ont. Asså på riktigt. Förut förväntade jag mig skit men nu mår jag bara dålig. Haha jag kan inte fatta att ett TV-program kan slå till en så hårt, although I totally should have seen it comming, I mean everybody else knew I wouldn't make it trough season 6!
P.S. They just had to ruin Fairies for me, didn't they!
P.P.S. Anna jag kommer hem på torsdag eller fredag så om du kan kan vi fara på bio i helgen!
P.P.P.S. Leave Anime to the japanease!!!
Jensen Ackles!<3
SPN fan 4ever!<3