Supernatural Season 5: The End
First comes Death, then comes Lucifer and then comes... God?
"Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending, it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you, they're a raging pain in the ass. No doubt--endings are hard. But then again... nothing ever really ends, does it?"
Emma och Dena om det sista avsnittet: Det var skitsnyggt!
Anna: Nej, det var bara jättekonstigt! Inte alls bra...
Dena: Jo, det var snyggt gjort, särskilt för att vara säsongsavslutning.
Emma: Och bra slut, om nu serien skulle ha slutat här som den var planerad att göra.
Dena: Precis, men jag håller med, det var ju inte ett bra slut.
Anna: ... möhö!!!!
Eftersom det här var sista avsnittet av den planerade storyn av Supernatural och Kripke inte längre kommer att vara med (läs: säsong 6 kommer mest troligen att suga) kommer här - som ett minne - PIC SPAM!!!!!
Remember when Cas went undercover and became a cop?
Dean: He's new...
And... action!
Little Sam and Dean
Dean face!
Hello! Random pics Wroooom!! I'm so cool!
Max: What kind of priests are you?
Well, that's a good question...
Everybody loves Cupid!
Baby Jensen Grown up Jensen
"I wanna suck your blood... Sookie...", no wrong series, oops...
Sam Winchester Ruby Dean Winchester John Winchester
Remember when Dean was in hell? Well, this is what it really looked like:
Sam: Too precious for this world!
Supernatural convent where Becky-the-fangirl appears again.
Becky (typing): ...and then Sam touched, no, caressed, Dean's clavicle. "This is wrong," said Dean. "Then I don't want to be right," replied Sam, in a husky voice.
Sam: Well I say... jackpot.
Together we'll change the day